Plot: Frank Galvin is a down-on-his luck lawyer, reduced to drinking and ambulance chasing. Former associate Mickey Morrissey reminds him of his obligations in a medical malpractice suit that he himself served to Galvin on a silver platter: all parties willing to settle out of court. Blundering his way through the preliminaries, he suddenly realizes that perhaps after all the case should go to court: to punish the guilty, to get a decent settlement for his clients, and to restore his standing as a lawyer.

Genre: Drama
IMDB Rating: 7.7/10 from 17,068 users
Directed by: Sidney Lumet
Starring: Paul Newman, Charlotte Rampling, Jack Warden

Release Name: The.Verdict.1982.720p.BluRay.x264-HD4U
Size: 5.62 GB
Video: MKV | 1280×696 | 4400 kbps
Audio: English | DTS
Runtime: 129 min
